Account numbers

Would you like to pay a fine? CJIB has several account numbers. You can see which account number (IBAN) you will need below.

Our correspondence often includes a letter code, which will enable you to see which account number you need to use at a glance. Always enter ‘CJIB’ as the account holder.

For payment of

Account number

Traffic fine (M)

NL56 INGB 0705 0051 00

Punitive order (O)

NL90 INGB 0705 0050 70

Fine for not having health insurance (Z)

NL84 INGB 0705 0052 75

Court-imposed fine (S)

NL34 INGB 0705 0055 93

The name and address of our bank:
ING Bank N.V.
Foreign Operations
Postbus 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Bank Identifier Code (BIC): INGBNL2A or INGBNL2AXXX