Please note that, if you do lodge an objection, you must not pay the fine!
How do you lodge an objection?
Lodge your objection within two weeks.
You or your lawyer must send a letter to the public prosecutor. The address is on the penalty order you received.
What does your letter need to have in it?
- your name, address and place of residence;
- the public prosecutor’s office number (parketnummer) stated on the penalty order;
- the Central Judicial Collection Agency number (CJIB-nummer) stated on the penalty order;
- the date that you received the penalty order;
- why you disagree with the penalty order;
- your signature and the date that you signed it.
What happens next?
You will receive a letter from the public prosecutor about how your objection will be dealt with. The public prosecutor will decide whether your case will be brought before the court. It could be that the public prosecutor will ask the court to impose a different penalty than the one stated in the penalty order. The public prosecutor may also change the penalty order.