Identifying a driver and processing of personal data

The Public Prosecutor can impose a penalty order if you have committed a criminal offence. If the criminal offence was committed with a vehicle registered in your name at the time, or the vehicle’s owner has stated you were driving the vehicle at the time, you will receive a letter from the CJIB asking you to contact us. We namely want to investigate who was driving the vehicle at the time of the offence.

As investigating the driver is a statutory task of the CJIB, our role for this task is that of controller.

What personal data do we process?

To send you a letter requesting contact, we need to process personal data. We receive these data from the Public Prosecution Service.
The data we can process for this task include:
-    Your full name
-    Your address, postal code and town/city
-    Your date of birth
-    Your gender
-    The statements of the persons involved

With whom do we share data?

We only share these data with the Public Prosecution Service.

How long do we retain data?

How long we may retain your personal data for conducting the Driver Investigation depends, among other things, on:
•    the type of criminal offence committed 
•    and the punishment that can be imposed for it. 
Section 14 of the Police Data Act specifies the retention periods.