Our procedures – administrative fines

If you are living or working in the Netherlands and do not have health insurance, you will receive a fine. Below you can read how we go about enforcing this fine.

What will happen if you do not have health insurance?

First you will receive letters stating that you are required to take out health insurance. If you are still living or working in the Netherlands and neglect to take out health insurance, you will receive a fine.

If you still fail to take out health insurance after this, you will receive a second fine. If you fail to take out health insurance after the second fine, the Dutch Central Administration Office (CAK) will take out health insurance for you for a twelve-month period. You will be required to pay the premium to the CAK every month.

What will happen if you do not pay your health insurance premiums?

If you have a Dutch employer or receive benefits from a Dutch benefit agency, the CAK will ask them to pay your premium. In this situation, the employer or benefit agency will deduct the premium from your salary or monthly benefit payment. If this proves unsuccessful, the CAK will ask us to ensure that you will pay the premium.

Below you can read how we go about doing this.

Step 1:  We will check whether you receive a healthcare allowance

If you receive a healthcare allowance from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, we will use this to pay part of your premium. This means that we will receive your healthcare allowance directly from the Tax and Customs Administration in your stead. You will receive a giro collection form for the remaining sum you are required to pay within six weeks.

Step 2:  We will send you a letter every month

We will send you a letter every month along with a giro collection form for the remaining payable sum. You must pay this sum within six weeks.

Step 3:  We will send you a reminder

If you have not paid us within six weeks, we will send you a reminder asking you to pay as soon as possible. You will have received the invoice for next month’s payment by then. You will be required to pay this as well.

Step 4:  We will ask a bailiff to enforce collection

If you do not pay on time, or do not pay the full amount, we will ask a bailiff to enforce collection. You will be required to pay the costs of the bailiff as well.

Step 5: We will send you a letter with a final statement

After twelve months, you will be required to pay the premium for your insurance to a healthcare insurer. The CAK will draw up a final statement stating the amount still payable. You will receive a letter about this with the reference ‘Final statement’. You can pay this sum in one go or in instalments.

Once you pay the first instalment, you will receive a new letter with a new giro collection form for each subsequent instalment.

If you pay too late or do not pay the full amount, we may ask a bailiff to enforce collection. In this situation, you will be required to pay the costs of the bailiff as well.