Protection of personal data

At the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB), we process your personal data to carry out our work effectively. Among other things, this means that we retain and use your data when necessary. Below, we explain which of your personal data we process and why we do that (version 16 March 2022).

What are personal data?

An item of personal data is information about an identified or identifiable natural person. This means it is immediately clear who the information is about, or that someone can trace who the matter relates to by using this information. Examples of personal data include your name, address, date of birth and citizen service number (BSN). 

What personal data do we process?

We perform various tasks on behalf of the government. The personal data that we process depends on the task we are performing. For instance, you may have received a traffic fine or other penalty, or you may have been given a community service order or prison sentence.
If you wish to know which personal data we process about you, you can find a breakdown by task on the page What personal data do we process? 

Would you like to view your personal data?

If you wish to request access to your personal data, you can find out how to do this on the page Your rights regarding personal data

What do we do with your personal data?

We process your personal data for several reasons. 
1.    We process your personal data to ensure that we are in contact with the correct person. We do this, for example, with your citizen service number. 

2.    We work closely with other organisations. Sometimes we share your personal data with these organisations. They need this information to perform their tasks effectively. Examples include the police, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) and bailiffs.

3.    You can contact us in various ways through the internet. During this contact, you may share personal data. This happens, for example, when you log in to our Digital Service Desk or fill in a form on our website.
We only process your personal data to be able to answer your query.

4.    You can contact us for general questions or about an ongoing case. We retain the phone number you call from when you have an open case with us.

5.    We may call you to offer assistance. For instance, we might discuss how you can avoid additional costs by paying an outstanding fine. We need your phone number for these calls.
If you have previously had telephone contact with the CJIB, we retain your phone number to perform our task.

6.    If you call us, the conversation may be recorded for quality control and training purposes. 

Do we comply with government rules?

The government has established rules for processing, securing and retaining personal data. We comply with these government rules. You can read more about this on the following websites: 

Do we use cookies?

You can read more about how we use cookies on our website under the topic Cookies. 

Do we use algorithms?

The CJIB uses algorithms to perform various tasks. One of these tasks is collecting traffic fines. We process your personal data for this purpose.
An algorithm is a predetermined set of rules or steps followed by the computer.

Do you have questions?

If you have a general question about how we handle personal data, call us at 0031 58 215 95 55 or send a message using the chat.

Infobox Criminal and Unexplained Assets (iCOV)

As an organisation, the CJIB is part of the partnership known as the Infobox Criminal and Unexplained Assets (Infobox Crimineel en Onverklaarbaar Vermogen; iCOV). This partnership includes various government organisations and supervisory bodies. 
iCOV assists these partners through data-driven reports to combat issues such as money laundering, tax evasion and fraud.