What is the CJIB?

The Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB: Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau) forms part of the Ministry of Justice and Security in the Netherlands.

The CJIB is responsible for collecting a range of different fines, such as traffic fines and punitive orders. It also plays a key enforcement role in decisions relating to criminal matters, such as court rulings or decisions made by one of the Public Prosecution Service’s public prosecutors. 

The EU Member States have agreed to work together when it comes to collecting fines. Each Member State has an organisation that is the designated central authority for this. In the Netherlands, this is the CJIB. The central authorities of the various EU Member States exchange information about decisions relating to criminal matters and fines.

An example:

A Frenchman is in the Netherlands on business. He goes over the speed limit driving his own car on the Dutch motorway and is photographed by a traffic enforcement camera. As a result of the EU-wide agreements, the CJIB receives the French businessman’s address from the French authorities. He receives notice of his traffic fine in his mailbox in France, issued in French.

The same applies the other way around. A Dutch person committing a traffic violation in Croatia will receive a fine from Croatia sent to their Dutch home address.